Friday, August 29, 2008

IVF Again?

I went to the doctor and had my appt and to my shock this is af. So I start my stims tomorrow. Only issue is I do have 4 cysts... they said they aren't concerned about it and as long as the bloodwork didn't show anything strange they would continue. No call so now I start my stims tomorrow. Timing is too perfect so I am waiting for the other ball to drop. It came up on me so fast and I am so unprepared... mentally. I thought I had 2 more weeks and instead here it is. This is our only chance our last chance... to grow some good eggs. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. When i have my appt on monday I will looks a the egg count.. cause I was in such shock i forgot to look!!!!!


Kat said...

That's great you got the go-ahead! I'm so happy for you that you have this chance! I will be hoping and praying all goes smoothly ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Yay! I so glad you got the green light!

Our angels Grace Elizabeth & Anna Marie

Our angels Grace Elizabeth & Anna Marie
Always on our minds, Forever in our hearts (June 28, 2006)