Thursday, February 23, 2023

Day 5

 Woke up thinking I was going home today but sadly that was not the case… they told me in the morning that they didn’t feel they could send me home with diarrhea.. I mean what are you going to do if I stay… nothing then let me go home… the doctor came in and said she couldn’t do it… I almost cried I want to leave…yes  I am done,.. I don’t know how many more days I can stay here…

I was sitting in my room in the morning looking out the window and there was a lot of activity in the room next to me.. the lady who had been screaming all night and all day all weekend finally her family came and they were moving her to the ICU…  finally I thought I hope and pray she gets some peace and gets the meds to help with her pain… she is clearly suffering… then about 2 hours later they were back the family who was soo concerned were gone and they wheeled her back into the room and hooked her up to the machines I could hear the beeping of the heart monitor…  then all of sudden I heard the heart monitor stop beeping just one long beep… omg 😳 the door was shut and all I could hear was omg and a ton of people running  with a crash cart.. the announcements I had gotten used to Code BLUE…EXCEPT THIS WAS IN THE ROOM NEXT TO ME!  I heard it all.. I hear the doctors talking about what to do and what meds to push and clear as they tried to resuscitate her… I hear them all leave and the doctors had a full conversation in front of my room but I thought she survived… the nurse came to see me after she clearly knew I had heard everything was just checking on me and I asked how the lady was.. she didn’t make it unfortunately… aww I’m so sorry I said she was in so much pain and was clearly suffering I hope she found peace.  The whole situation was surreal…. I was actually very grateful to a work friend who called me and was able to speak with me for a while it kept my mind off what was going on.. I was so touched by th outpouring of love I received from my friends and family… it’s nice to know you have people you can count on…

Several hours later…the nephrologist came in and asked me if I would feel comfortable if she sent me home… Yes! OMG YES!

Next step was remove the PICC line … I was terrified to have it removed…  it to be honest it was nothing… the worst part was that my anesthesiologist stitched it in too tight so the nurse had to call for help to get it snipped… it meant several nurses and a cell phone light and a little patience but they finally were able to get the stitches out… then deep breath and they pulled it out!  Yes the nurse knew me well and said would you like to take a picture!?  YES!  

This is the PICC line that was inside me.. who knew it was that big!?

FREEDOM FROM THE PICC LINE!  Now onto bed rest for a bit…

After meeting with all the doctors and pharmacist they agreed to discharge me!  The first problem was they sent the list of meds to my pharmacy 3 days ago and haven’t heard anything back yet… so they final,y got in touch with them and surprise their systems have been down for 3 days!  Well they can’t send me home without my meds especially my antirejection ones so now we need to fill the meds at the hospital pharmacy so I had to get the insurance cards and my sister who is bringing me home needs to pick them up by a certain time… hurry up and rush rush… 
She arrived meds in hand and got me a wheelchair..that holds ho to 800lbs which was an ongoing joke with us considering how swollen I was.. I couldn’t even put on my shoes my feet were

so swollen I had to go home in slippers!  

Goodbye to this unit!

I texted my hubby… he had packed my going home shirt…which belongs to him..   we speak through our shirts.. lol. Mine says FREEDOM…. I have a whole binder to read through and I have to update how much I drink and how much urine (yes I have to measure it) I also have to record all my medications and my vitals… it’s like a full time job..


To say I was excited to come home and see him is the understatement of the year.. I haven’t hugged him or touched him since before surgery.. even when he came to see me when he left he kept his distance to protect me… the second I came home I just wanted to hug him and sit in my chair.. and be home!

Here I am in my chair with the gift my company sent me… in my happy place with my husband and chocolate covered strawberries!

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Our angels Grace Elizabeth & Anna Marie

Our angels Grace Elizabeth & Anna Marie
Always on our minds, Forever in our hearts (June 28, 2006)